Equipment Operations Platform


Equipment Operations Platform Cost Control Compliance Consistency
consistency monitoring, quality control, operational consistency, reduce variability, performance maintenance

"Boost Operational Efficiency with Streamlined Procedures and Remote Audits"

Improve the business's operational efficiency without the hassle of inconsistent operating procedures and in-person inspections & audits.
Star Shape
Star Shape

Consistency means ensuring that every restaurant in your operation follows the same standards and procedures, especially when keeping food at the proper temperatures. This sounds simple, but it’s challenging because of the location differences.

Consistency Automated-Temperature-Logs
Compliance Report

But it doesn’t stop there. Stratosfy goes beyond mere compliance. Our intelligent platform empowers you to transform your entire approach to temperature monitoring. Imagine having access to precise, real-time temperature reports at your fingertips, allowing you to make informed decisions instantly.

If one of your restaurants accidentally stores its perishable items at too high a temperature, it could lead to food spoilage and health risks. Every restaurant must follow the same temperature management rules to prevent such mishaps. This helps reduce the risk of one location doing something differently and getting into trouble with health inspectors or, worse, putting customers’ health at risk. Automate this consistency for each restaurant through centralized dashboard and equipment management features of our platform.

Consistency Equipment
Consistency basic information

Enter Stratosfy, our automated temperature monitoring system. With Stratosfy, you can bid farewell to the old way of sending managers around to check on things at each location. Instead, our system watches everything for you, ensuring temperatures stay within safe limits across all your restaurants. By automating this process, Stratosfy helps reduce errors and ensure consistency in temperature management practices.

So, whether your customers dine at your restaurant in Vancouver, Edmonton or Toronto, they can trust that the food is always fresh, safe, and high-quality. With Stratosfy, you can rest assured that your business runs smoothly, maintains compliance with health regulations, and upholds your brand’s reputation for excellence, no matter where your customers go.

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Compliance Intelligent-reports

Equipment Management

Seamlessly manage equipment across the entire organization. Stratosfy’s platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing equipment.

Compliance Automated temperature logging

Centralized Dashboard

A convenient solution for businesses with multiple locations or a single site. Access all equipment data through one intuitive interface.

Ensure uniform food safety and quality across all your Locations!