Stratosfy Mobile App

Welcome to your new operations command center

Real-Time Data

Real-Time Data

Actionable incidents

Actionable incidents

Automated Reports

Automated Reports

Proactive Notifications

Proactive Notifications

Team Monitoring

Team Monitoring


We understand that equipment operations vary from business to business, so our mobile app is built to be flexible. Your business can customize how and when you’d like to be warned of potential threats to ensure the right people are notified when it matters most.

Star Shape

Access Equipment conditions

Access your business locations and equipment used in your business operations easily through our mobile app. Do you own multiple businesses? No problem! You don’t need to log in and logout of the mobile app to manage each business and its assets. Our mobile app lets you access all your businesses and asset conditions such as the temperatures of each piece of equipment at each of your business locations.

Compliance reports at fingertips

Instantly download your reports anywhere in PDF and XLS formats if you need to use it for compliance reporting for a period of time. Reports are not only available for real-time data, but also corresponding to the deviations in the real-time data.

Examine Incidents

Check incidents corresponding to unexpected behaviour of assets or problems in performing scheduled activity, before they become major problems, enabling operational leaders to immediately take corrective action accordingly. This capability can mitigate the risk of lost productivity and efficiency in your business operations

Receive Notifications

You can receive push notifications according to deviations in the business operations. With instant mobile application alerts, never be caught unaware by the unexpected again.

Download our App!